It should be noted that, with a few exceptions, I have been primarily on bed rest since the original surgery on July 3, 2012.  I have been limited by my inability to walk correctly on my surgically-affected foot, the amount of medications that would earn me a DUI should I drive on them, and the general unwieldiness of balance without the use of my big toe  I have been on antibiotics and hydrocodone and anti-anxiety medications since the original surgery.  We did try to change antibiotics once and discovered a lovely allergic reaction to Sulfa DrugsAs I am also allergic to antihistamines, I spent a few days covered head to toe in itchy, painful hives and getting the drug out of my system.  I have been dealing with intermittent skin infections, necessitating a new antibiotic for each, as previous antibiotics hadn't prevented the succeeding infections.

As of the date of the publication of this site (9/12/12), I have no sensation on the top of my big toe, and most of the toe next to it.  I am unable to move my big toe at all.  I have been informed that once my wounds have closed, then real rehabilitation of my joint at my big toe may begin, which could also take months, due to the buildup of scar tissue and the inactivity of the last couple of months.  There is also a possibility that the nerve damage affecting sensation on top of my toes may not reverse.  There is also a possibility that I could end up with less range of motion than when I went to the podiatrist in the first place. 

I am going to give it all I can, but I am looking at quite a while before I get back to the 90mph that is my normal speed.  I have cried more in the last couple of months than in the last couple of years.  My husband was with me for the first surgery, but had to go back to work before the reconstructive surgery.  He has yet to come home from working in Kuwait and this has been difficult for him to be away when I have needed him.  My family and friends have cared for me, but this is truly considered a loss of quality of life, as those who know me will understand. Pictures below were taken at the dressing changes for my plastic surgeon.  These are very graphic.  Proceed at your own peril.

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