I don't know how I would have done this with out my support team.  My primary helpers are the ones on the left there, except for my Aunt Trudy, who has carted me around incessantly when I needed her to and fetched my supplies.  I thank you so much for all the times you have been there for me.  I'll include a picture if you let me.

There are so many people who have helped me with library runs, bringing me crutches, dropping off and picking up things for me, running errands for me and running errands with me.  There are too many to list without clearing it with them first, but you know who you are. 
My gratitude and appreciation go out to you.

My husband, Jeff, took me to multiple appointments, picked up multiple things at the grocery store, and gained a new appreciation for handling the monsters in the picture below his when I wasn't part of the equation.  He changed daily bandages with great care and consideration, cooked many meals, and held me when I needed him.  I was so grateful that circumstances kept him at home as much as they did.  I can't wait for him to come home again.

My poor kiddos have had to deal with my anxiety, fetch and carry, cook for me, clean for me, and even empty the bedside potty!  LOL!  Love them like crazy and was so thankful they were able to step in when their Dad left.

My shaman, my familiar, my night time healer:  Sterling.  By my side each night he would lay, touching me at all times and soothing me when I would wake in the night when I moved and hurt.  Love my Sterling. 

(And contrary to what the kids think, I do love my kids more, they are just more complicated!)

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